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Validate Values

Retrieves the list of valid values. Valid value master list: ['productgroup', 'productsetuprights', 'productsubtype', 'DPCustodianType', 'DepositoryName', 'Common', 'DPAccountstatement', 'Recieveannualreport', 'DPaccounttype', 'CurrencyISOCode', 'TaxStatusCorporateIndvidualResident', 'ModeofHoldingDesc', 'Gender', 'Prefix', 'ResidentialStatus', 'Occupation', 'CountriesOfBirth', 'TIN', 'PoliticallyExposed', 'AccountType', 'MOASD', 'TwoFactorTransaction', 'DISBookFacility', 'SourceOfWealth', 'AnnualIncome', 'Education', 'ProofOfAddress', 'ProofOfIdentity', 'CustomerType', 'NomineeType', 'Relationship', 'Identification of Nominee', 'Gross Annual Income', 'Investment Objective', 'Percentage of total portfolio', 'Investment/Trading', 'intend to invest', 'Risk Tolerance', 'Time Period', 'Net Worth', 'Nationality', 'Preference Type', 'Mode of Account Statement Delivery', 'DIS Booklet Facility', 'Type of Number-TIN', 'Account Statement Frequency', 'Comment Type', 'Manufacturer_TaxStatus', 'RpScoring', 'Mode Of Operation', 'FeeType', 'Marital Status', 'sign', 'RMType', 'Transaction_Type', 'SubDocumentGroupName', 'ContactBelongsTo', 'OrderType', 'purchaseType', 'PaymentMode', 'StrategySTPFrequency', 'CustomerIdentificationType', 'OnboardingOrderType', 'ppmNumber','FileUploadType']

Query Parameters
    validValueMaster Validvaluemaster required

    Name of the valid value master


Successful Response

    reqId Reqid
    errors undefined[]

    Default value: []

    data object
    id Id

    Unique id to identify valid value record

    validValueMaster Validvaluemaster

    Name of the valid value master

    validValues Validvalues

    Valid value details
